
Opening Thoughts

Welcome to the biblical narrative website. I am joyful that you are choosing to take the journey to becoming a better student of the bible and to know it really well. I pray that your time spent over the next 30 weeks will be fruitful and that you become transformed into the image of Christ more and more each day. The goal of this journey is to not only gain bible knowledge, but the most important goal is that you will see the heart of God through his entire story and that it will transform you by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Jesus. If you ever need any help along the way or have thoughts, comments or questons you'd like to discuss, you can either email Bryan Young or talk to the person who is walking you through the bible.

NOTE: This site is always changing and growing, so come back often to see the new videos, resources, downloads or features.

To see the weekly assignments, click on the "Bible" menu item at the top or START HERE!

Resources you will need